Hi everyone, just a little update on my upcoming film for those interested. I started animation on Wednesday, and so far I have around two and-a-half minutes done, and I'm really happy with how it's going so far. I look forwarding to posting the final thing when it's done! At the moment I'm still a little too early on to give a rough estimate of when I'll have it completed, but I'll likely update on this when I'm further along in the process. I may post a short trailer like I did with Clash of the Clay once I've gotten some more animation done, though admittedly I do like to keep my projects mostly under-wraps until I have them completed.
I've been really enjoying working on this project so far, from the concept art, the storyboarding, the sculpting/model making to the animation itself, and I can't wait to show you all the finished film!
I'll try to keep posting the occasional update as I go along to keep those of you interested informed.
-Jack P.